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The ocean is thrown into chaos when schools of tuna go haywire in a feeding frenzy. Their bodies become a blur of silver and blue as they dart back and forth, chasing after their prey with an insatiable hunger. It's a mind blowing sight, like watching a tornado of fish. 

The tuna seem to be in a trance, fueled by instinct and adrenaline as they work together to corral their food. It's a fierce competition, as each fish battles for its share of the bounty. The water churns and froths, frothy whitecaps appearing and disappearing in an instant.

Photographing this scene is a challenge, as the tuna are fast and unpredictable. The camera's shutter clicks rapidly, capturing split-second moments of the action. The lens focuses on a single fish, as it swims past  with lightning speed.

As the frenzy begins to die down, the tuna slowly start to calm and return to their more solitary behavior. The chaos of the feeding frenzy subsides, leaving only the tranquil beauty of the ocean in its wake. And yet, the memory of the wild energy remains.

Limited Edition 950

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J.A.Y. Depth Fine Art

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